Oktoberfest is an annual amateur home-brewed beer competition organised and run by the Bayside Brewers.

The date for the 2024 competition has been announced!

OUR COMPETITION ACCEPTs ENTRIES in the catEgories below.

Entries are open to all Victorian only independent and club-affiliated amateur brewers

and are registered via our competition website.

Competition website: comps.baysidebrewers.com.au


pale lager

4A Munich Helles / 4B Festbier / 5C Helles Exportbier / 5D German Pils


6A Marzen / 6B Rauchbier / 7A Vienna Lager / 8A Munich Dunkel / 8B Schwarzbier


4C Helles Bock / 6C Dunkels Bock / 9A Doppelbock / 9B Eisbock


5B Kolsch / 7B Altbier / 23A Berliner Weisse / 23G Gose


10A Weissbier / 10B Dunkles Weissbier / 10C Weizenbock

All Terms and Conditions are listed on our Competition Website (when re-activated).

Trophies & Awesome Prizes Awarded For:

Champion Brewer, Champion Beer, 1st, 2nd and 3rd place in each category and Best Novice Brewer.

Drop off locations:

Keg King (2/33-35 Smith Road, Springvale 3131)

KegLand (410 Princes Hwy Noble Park 3174)
(with 24/7 entry drop-off: see video on how to do it)

Backyard Homebrew (Cypress Ave, Brooklyn 3012)

2019 Oktoberfest Results

2022 Oktoberfest Results

2023 Oktoberfest Results